By The Book – How To Read The Bible

By The Book – How To Read The Bible

Join us as we continue our current series, By The Book.  This week Pastor Neli teaches us how we should read The Bible.  When reading The Bible you should ask yourself, where it was written, what is the genre, and by who it was written.  The Bible is God’s story and we read The Bible to meet with God.  Will you commit to meeting God every day in His scriptures?

Blessed are you, O Lord;
    teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare
    all the rules of your mouth.
In the way of your testimonies I delight
    as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
    and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes;
    I will not forget your word.

– Psalm 119:12-16 (ESV)

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