Grace Changes Everything – The Scandalous Gift

Grace Changes Everything – The Scandalous Gift

Join us as we continue our series, Grace Changes Everything.  This week Pastor Neli talks about how to build what God has called us to do. A life centred on God will bring you peace and fearlessness.  God does great things when you are firmly founded in Him.  A faith that is firmly founded God will cause curiosity which will open up opportunities for people to receive the gospel.  

Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written,  “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.? – Romans 3:1-4 (ESV)

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